Some of the problems I've had seem to be voltage related. Some of the ds18b20s I have will work quite happily at 3.3v. Some won't.
Looking at the datasheet, the MINIMUM voltage is 3.00v. So I suppose if the tolerance of ther ds is out slightly, could this account for some of the anomalous readings? I got round this by using a ds18b20 to serial converter running at 5v, then shift the logic level to the Pi or even to usb
Looking at the datasheet, the MINIMUM voltage is 3.00v. So I suppose if the tolerance of ther ds is out slightly, could this account for some of the anomalous readings? I got round this by using a ds18b20 to serial converter running at 5v, then shift the logic level to the Pi or even to usb
Statistics: Posted by john_m0ers — Thu Jan 25, 2024 8:48 am