So i recent got interested in once again playing around with my Raspberry Pi 400 after losing interest a couple of months ago.
When i plugged in the HDMI cable and power caple (using the offical powersupply) it just wouldn't boot.
No light, no output, no nothing.
I tried the powersupply and it worked just fine, idk if it's because it's been sitting for a while or what.
I've tried everything at this point (including re-flashing the sd card with the offical software) but nothing has worked so far.
Is it just dead or can it be saved?
Pretty much all the forums know about your problem will have been collected here -
STICKY: Is your Pi not booting? (The Boot Problems Sticky) - viewtopic.php?t=58151
Statistics: Posted by B.Goode — Thu Jan 25, 2024 9:05 am