Is anything connected to USB, or anything else that could be supplying some power to the 3.3V line?
If the PMIC detects more than around 0.5V on the 3.3V line at power up, it refuses to start as there shouldn't be any power on that line at that point.
Some powered USB devices leak power via the USB data lines which can find its way back through diodes to the 3V3 line.
Perhaps your PoE HAT is leaking a little to 3V3. Is that external pull-up to 3V3 or something else?
Try sticking a meter on 3V3 and see what it does during reboot.
If the PMIC detects more than around 0.5V on the 3.3V line at power up, it refuses to start as there shouldn't be any power on that line at that point.
Some powered USB devices leak power via the USB data lines which can find its way back through diodes to the 3V3 line.
Perhaps your PoE HAT is leaking a little to 3V3. Is that external pull-up to 3V3 or something else?
Try sticking a meter on 3V3 and see what it does during reboot.
Statistics: Posted by rpdom — Fri May 03, 2024 6:40 am