Well ive tried that but didnt find any for my specific problem which is that iam on an rasberry pi and i already have the driversWhat have you tried to do, like, on your own? Did you search for "RTL8812AU" in these forums? You might find some actual answers. I did, when I searched.yes :/ ive been trying to solve this issue in alot of forumes, discord, reddit but sadly no one tried to help me yet :/
Ah, that's annoying.
Most of the posts are about getting new drivers etc
And because i dont have a problem with the driver on my laptop that runs kali linux i tought its better to ask my question here because my problem is most definitely pi related
If you found an post that describes my problem tho please show me it, ill try to do what it says
Statistics: Posted by apfelkobra14 — Sat May 18, 2024 12:01 am