I think my previous assertion may be trueYour extremely unlucky if this is down clock rate. The flash will have to meets it's spec across Process Voltage Temperature and your previous layout worked. Over clocking it by just over 1% at room temperature and nominal voltage, I suggest you don't buy a lottery ticket
I would not be shocked in JLC/LCSC acquired some grey-market flash which did not pass spec across PVT but mostly works. Most people wouldn't be pushing it too hard, so who would notice?This is pointing me towards one conclusion: some part that JLC provided me with must not be meeting spec.
The crystal seems to be fine, given it's within ~20ppm of expectation & blasting it with freeze spray doesn't change anything
The RP2040 is unlikely to have counterfeit or cloned parts on the market to the best of my knowledge
The flash memory seems to be the most likely counterfeit.
Me apparently :/
Statistics: Posted by MMI_Modular — Thu Aug 01, 2024 7:36 pm