You were absolutely right . I booted without the sd and it gave me the ok to both HDMI video outputs .
Regarding the boot update issue I have solved it by updating the EEPROM option in the libreelec system.
This has solved the HDMI-0 that was not booting and also my TV remote control to manage Kodi. I have tried to control Kodi with HDMI-1 and it doesn't work, but I'm very happy with the result .
Thanks for all the help with the diagnostics and the upgrade .
You were absolutely right . I booted without the sd and it gave me the ok to both HDMI video outputs .
Regarding the boot update issue I have solved it by updating the EEPROM option in the libreelec system.
This has solved the HDMI-0 that was not booting and also my TV remote control to manage Kodi. I have tried to control Kodi with HDMI-1 and it doesn't work, but I'm very happy with the result .
Thanks for all the help with the diagnostics and the upgrade .
Statistics: Posted by txemuki — Wed Aug 07, 2024 8:13 pm