I was using dietPi distro beta at the time, debian based and the update which messed up the power consumption was rolled out the 31st of January.
Plugged in the USB meter later and confirmed the reading.
Since I have another Pi 5, I've installed a minimal PiOS via PINN.
The idle power consumption has been reported many times as 2.2W and it's also recorded in many reviews with professional meters.
One of them is from Tom's Hardware, as an example.
If you just plug a Pi 5 now and install Pi OS without any configuration that's what you get today:
I have tested also same with the schedutil governor:
Absolutely identical.
Before the 31st of Jan the governor had quite a substantial impact if schedutil, now it doesn't.
Also setting _min clocks had quite a considerable impact on it.
Now seems nothing changes it, no matter what you try to disable.
Plugged in the USB meter later and confirmed the reading.
Since I have another Pi 5, I've installed a minimal PiOS via PINN.
The idle power consumption has been reported many times as 2.2W and it's also recorded in many reviews with professional meters.
One of them is from Tom's Hardware, as an example.
If you just plug a Pi 5 now and install Pi OS without any configuration that's what you get today:
I have tested also same with the schedutil governor:
Absolutely identical.
Before the 31st of Jan the governor had quite a substantial impact if schedutil, now it doesn't.
Also setting _min clocks had quite a considerable impact on it.
Now seems nothing changes it, no matter what you try to disable.
Statistics: Posted by ManniX-ITA — Mon Feb 05, 2024 11:29 am