The GPIO pins certainly are rated to power the Pi.. How do you think the PoE hat supplies current to the board?
GPIO pin current rating is mostly dependant on the plug going onto them. I'm guessing your use case is a crimp terminated lead from your PSU. Just checked the Multicomp crimps we have in the lab here and they are rated at 3A. You can double up the lead to use Pins 2 and 4 and a couple of ground pins if you want but I've never seen the need here.
The line 'Oddly, when I connected an oscilloscope to the output, the RPI booted without issue' is curious. Are you 100% sure your leads (specifically the 0V one) are making good connection? It sounds like it might not be the case and connecting the scope ground is creating a working ground connection.
GPIO pin current rating is mostly dependant on the plug going onto them. I'm guessing your use case is a crimp terminated lead from your PSU. Just checked the Multicomp crimps we have in the lab here and they are rated at 3A. You can double up the lead to use Pins 2 and 4 and a couple of ground pins if you want but I've never seen the need here.
The line 'Oddly, when I connected an oscilloscope to the output, the RPI booted without issue' is curious. Are you 100% sure your leads (specifically the 0V one) are making good connection? It sounds like it might not be the case and connecting the scope ground is creating a working ground connection.
Statistics: Posted by RGJ-PI — Thu Oct 17, 2024 9:21 am