In my project I'm going to upgrade to a Bosch BMP581 sensor this Friday. I found micropython-bmp581 driver. I hope this weekend I can see if I can them all to work together.
I also bought a "Shuttle board 3.0 BMP585" from Digikey and plan to then upgrade to that sensor. I will try to use the driver above, but if it doesn't work I think I know enough, looking at the datasheets, to contribute any changes to add a BMP585 class to the "micropython-bmp581" driver.
I'll reply with updates and working code pointers here. :fingers-crossed:
I also bought a "Shuttle board 3.0 BMP585" from Digikey and plan to then upgrade to that sensor. I will try to use the driver above, but if it doesn't work I think I know enough, looking at the datasheets, to contribute any changes to add a BMP585 class to the "micropython-bmp581" driver.
I'll reply with updates and working code pointers here. :fingers-crossed:
Statistics: Posted by bradcar — Wed Nov 13, 2024 5:37 pm