it seems that the temperature, when RPi5 start throttling the CPU frequency, is 85C. The throttling can also be seen from the output of vcgencmd get_throttled.
I have the official active heatsink and I'm doing HPL benchmark. The temperature gets very close to 80C. I can measure around 78C. The performance of the benchmark is somewhat slower than expected. But vcgencmd get_throttled still returns 0x0.
Isn't there another kind of soft-thermal throttling at 80C, which does not show in vcgencmd get_throttled?
Here is the 80C mentioned:
it seems that the temperature, when RPi5 start throttling the CPU frequency, is 85C. The throttling can also be seen from the output of vcgencmd get_throttled.
I have the official active heatsink and I'm doing HPL benchmark. The temperature gets very close to 80C. I can measure around 78C. The performance of the benchmark is somewhat slower than expected. But vcgencmd get_throttled still returns 0x0.
Isn't there another kind of soft-thermal throttling at 80C, which does not show in vcgencmd get_throttled?
Here is the 80C mentioned:
https://www.raspberrypi.com/news/heatin ... erry-pi-5/To prevent overheating, all Raspberry Pi boards begin to throttle the processor when the temperature reaches 80°C, and throttle even further when it reaches the max temp of 85°C.
Statistics: Posted by fik — Tue Mar 26, 2024 9:13 pm