There might be some WebMidi support, but it's Chrome/Chromium only. This sketch uses MIDI, allegedly: Midi drum - OpenProcessingI had a look at at your link but I couldn't see anything about MIDI in the list of all libraries.
I have a lot of processing code that I have worked with over the years, and I will need to use it on a new project I am working on.
But: if you're needing to re-use Processing code, oF (openFrameworks: c++) and OpenProcessing (JavaScript) will require complete rewrites.
Do you see the Flag and the Quotation Mark in the bar above every post? Click on the quotation mark, and you get quotes with user names. Quoting two people is difficult. It involves fiddling with multiple tabs. It's just me showing off, frankly.As an side issue I haven't come across the way you do quotes with the poster's name like you do on this forum. I did search the frequently asked questions but it was all generic stuff.
Statistics: Posted by scruss — Fri Mar 29, 2024 9:38 pm