Your layout doesn't seem to connect 3V3 to RP2040 pins 48,49 - they've just got decouplers attached, and I can't see any other connection from those capacitors back to the main 3V3 supply.
One of those pins is IOVDD, so it's perhaps unsurprising that the USB doesn't work. I don't know if the various IOVDD pins are internally connected or power different groups of pins.
Anyhow, this is not right, but easily fixed with a wire soldered to the positive ends of C8/C9 going to one of the other 3.3V points.
When fixing the layout, I would comment that you've got no link from the GND pad on the RP2040 to the GND area north of the big split caused by the 3V3 track (and in fact your entire GND connection to the RP2040 relies on that one via hole to the bottom left. You could trivially add an extra via hole or two top left, which would greatly improve the power distribution. I expect the existing layout will work OK, but more margin is always helpful.
One of those pins is IOVDD, so it's perhaps unsurprising that the USB doesn't work. I don't know if the various IOVDD pins are internally connected or power different groups of pins.
Anyhow, this is not right, but easily fixed with a wire soldered to the positive ends of C8/C9 going to one of the other 3.3V points.
When fixing the layout, I would comment that you've got no link from the GND pad on the RP2040 to the GND area north of the big split caused by the 3V3 track (and in fact your entire GND connection to the RP2040 relies on that one via hole to the bottom left. You could trivially add an extra via hole or two top left, which would greatly improve the power distribution. I expect the existing layout will work OK, but more margin is always helpful.
Statistics: Posted by arg001 — Sun Mar 31, 2024 9:29 pm