thanks gotaf80307, it works. sorry for the late response because I were swamped with other work. also Thank you all for your suggestions and supportsit is a good idea. I will try it.If the I2C device you are using is wm8960 neither registers or control bits are 16 bit wide. Registers are 7 bits and there are 9 control bits on each. Registers are modified by sending two individual bytes. The first byte is the 7-bit register [shifted left by 1] + 9th control bit. The second byte is the remaining 8 control bits.
If you want to set the register 0x1A by 0x01F8 (1 1111 1000) two individual bytes in the I2C message would be:
<I2C address> 35 F8
Statistics: Posted by ironchef — Wed Apr 03, 2024 10:10 pm