When I only use hdmi screen, the panning command is working correctly, the smaller physical display area is moving with mouse through the larger virtual display area, so there is no need 2 physical screens for panning to work. But when I only use the dpi screen, after typing panning command, the virtual display area did expand to the outside of the physical screen, the problem is physical dispay areawhich content do you think will you be able ro pan with a setup like this (DPI only!)?I only want to use the dpi screen with panning and do not connect any other screens.You only have one screen connected.
Is your HDMI screen connected and working?
Panning shows part of a bigger screen on an smaller/lower resolution display (als works as magnifier the other way around).
You only have one screen, hence nothing to pan around.
https://www.linux.org/threads/desktop-h ... ndr.43085/
not moving with mouse.
Statistics: Posted by dsds — Wed Jan 31, 2024 10:06 am