OK, thanks pidd. Good enough for me. 180MB/s to 190MB/s is close enough to OK max read/transfer rates for this hardware then.In my experience ...
Those speeds look normal for good hard drives, some very good hard drives achieve SSD speeds at around 300MB/s, budget hard drives would be lucky to achieve those speeds.
Most hard drives I've used are more than five years old (pulls from other equipment).
All else being equal ...
- with say 5 streams in the house @ 20Mbps each
- and depending on what minidlna and samba are up to
- and depending on what Pi 5 internal bandwidth limits are
More likely felt by any upstream WiFi devices sharing a 2.4Ghz WiFi connection to the gigabit router rather than being ethernet connected.
I guess time to look at identifying and separating a few onto 5Ghz (history; if it worked then didn't touch it).
Of course I could well be completely wrong, in which case hopefully someone will not hold back in pointing it out.
Statistics: Posted by hydra3333 — Thu Jul 18, 2024 1:57 pm