Sure, but nearly any design you have at least a few 'vanilla' GPIOs that can be pushed to the other bank, freeing up more of the primary bank GPIOs for the various peripheral units.Some kind of GPIOs ... SIO, but no PIO.
Nearly every RP2040 design I've done has been short of GPIO pins; none of them has maxed out all the functional units.
While I haven't actually done it yet, I've often been tempted to go down to 4-wire flash to get two extra GPIOs off the flash bank; for applications that fit in RAM the trade-off would only be against boot time, which would still be under a second even filling the entire RAM from flash. The only reason I haven't done it is the numbers not adding up for any of those particular designs - if 2 more still wasn't enough, adding an extra chip gets them in multiples of 8 and so only particular combinations of numbers would justify stealing the two.
Statistics: Posted by arg001 — Sun Oct 20, 2024 10:31 am