You don't even need to reboot. Just turn it off, or kill the process.Easier to remove with apt command:This morning, i turned on my raspberry pi 4 to hear a voice on my screen. At first, I thought that it was my monitor but as i muted my volume it stopped. I did a load of searching and I found that it was the Orca screen reader. It does not come pre-installed but if you press Ctrl+alt+space it will download it for you. To disable Orca, you need to, hang on with me here, DELETE ORCA (menu, preferences, recommended software, uncheck Orca, apply) INSTALL ORCA (menu, preferences, recommended software, check Orca, apply) REBOOT THEN UNINSTALL ORCA. That worked for me.Then rebootCode:
sudo apt remove orca
Statistics: Posted by ame — Mon Apr 08, 2024 8:32 pm