Welcome, new user. The Pi 6 will be available next March, so if you can wait until then it will be awesome. America only sells Windows computers, so I'd order something in your own country.I've kind of been sitting on the edge about buying a raspberry pi five and bought a 0 series and a 02. They are a bit weak for me to tinker with (but I am still going to buy one for a pwagotchi project) and i want something that I kind use Linux for more than 3 seconds without it crashing on me. Since I am going to America in a few months an di gained enough cash for me to buy a cheap mini pc or a pi 5, one 02w and a Pico 2, should i keep waiting for the pi6 or get a mini pc over the pi 5? Also is the pi 5 usable in a desktop pc condition for like normal services? Pls help me im dying to know what I should do
Statistics: Posted by ame — Fri Sep 20, 2024 6:05 am